Spring Market 9th March

Spring is in the air!.. today at least.

It seems like a long time since our last market at the beginning of December. I for one have been counting down the days until our first market of the year, and now we’re only two weeks away!

Most of my work is done in solitude at home so I love the opportunity to see everyone; all the traders I’ve been messaging for months, and all the visitors who come out to to support our hard work.

(Above products pictured Meon Soap and The Silver Hut)

I really enjoy seeing kids play my game (where they have to hunt for letters to make a word), and seeing all the dogs sniffing around the market makes my day! They always look so happy! There are so many places you can’t take dogs aren’t there? This is a day out for all the family including four-legged friends. I might take some pictures for a doggy montage? The onsite café The Dovecote Eatery is dog-friendly too. They get mega busy on market days so if you’d like to have brunch/lunch/afternoon tea there, I strongly advise booking ASAP.

We are expecting a fully booked market and I’m blown away by the quality of traders. You can expect to browse candles, jewellery, essential oils, skincare, pet supplies, sweet treats, clothes, homewares, ceramics, plants, condiments, jigsaws, prints, flowers, tea, eco cleaning products and much more!

(Above products: Marzilicious, Shoretees, Solent Wick, Spott & Herbert)

As usual we have a line up of buskers for your entertainment (please give generously to show your appreciation). We also have street food trailers, a bar, a coffee trailer and bench seating.

Please keep an eye on our socials for the entertainment line up etc.

It’s going to be so much fun! And don’t forget it’s the day before Mother’s Day… Click HERE to register your interest on Facebook and receive regular updates about the event.

Helen x

(The wonderful drone shot was taken by Robin, Our Hampshire)


Q&A with ChilliWinter


Happy Christmas!