Q&A with CG Living

Hello! Please give us a brief introduction to your business and the products you offer.

Hi, I am John-Paul the founder and director of CG Living. We offer a range of home and well-being products that are completely natural, vegan and handmade using natural and sustainably-sourced ingredients. Our products range from concentrated cleaning products to soy wax candles and reed diffusers infused with pure essential oils, along with bath salts, roll on pulse points and carpet fresheners.

How long have you been going and how did the business come about?

I started CG Living in 2020 as a natural cleaning company that made its own natural cleaning products. This was because I noticed cleaning companies were only offering a service using off-the-shelf supermarket products that are full of harsh and harmful toxic chemicals. Having done plenty of research, there was a lot of evidence linking the health implications these cleaning products were having on peoples health. I knew that there had to be a better option, and that I could offer an eco-friendly alternative. One that would be more beneficial to our own health, home and surroundings just by changing the products used. After a lot of studying and testing, I finally had a safe and effective natural product and the company quickly grew. Clients were telling me how they see a difference in their health such as no longer getting headaches and their children not suffering with their asthma. People soon wanted to purchase our products so I moved to a studio to manufacture the products and prepare them for retailing… and I’ve never looked back.

What's your favourite thing about what you do?

I love getting creative, playing around with ingredients and producing products that I know are having a genuine positive impact on peoples lives and wellbeing. I say our products are "provided by nature, produced by us” which really is true. I really do believe that when you love what you do, it isn’t work and I am very fortunate to have that.

What's your least favourite thing about running your own business?

I am not the biggest fan of having to do the admin side of the business but know it has to be done. Please get me away from the computer! Unless it is spending money on more ingredients, then I am happy of course…

When you're working but not at events, what does a typical day look like?

As I still run the natural cleaning company as well my day usually starts early (about 5:30/6am). I start by checking emails, and a little accounts, before getting things ready for my staff to go out cleaning. Once they are set on their day, I head to the studio and spend the day doing different tasks such as manufacturing anything that needs stocking up, fulfilling online orders, working on product development, designing new labels, social media posts, ordering stock and planning for any events we have coming up. When I return home in the evening I then do invoicing, accounts for the cleaning services, another email check and prepare for the next day. I love making lists. I finish my day by cooking a fresh homemade meal each night with my husband, catching up on each others day and a few hours of tv.

What's the soundtrack to your day? i.e. do you listen to music? Radio? Podcasts? 

Whether I am driving, in front of the laptop or in the studio manufacturing I forever have music playing. Mostly it is 80s, 90s and Motown. You cannot beat it.

What do you like about trading at markets?

Meeting people! Always meeting people for me. I love being around fellow traders, getting to know them, their business and their stories. I think it is so nice to share and support each other. Getting to know our customers, whether they be new or returning is such a good part of trading at markets, it is great to receive feedback from people as to what they like about our products or what direction they would like to see us go in.

Do you have a favourite product?

I know I probably shouldn’t but I have two favourites actually. I absolutely love our Natures Wonder Candle, It was the first scent I created that I loved. It is an earthy, woodsy scent with a hint of floral lavender, I find it really brings me peace and relaxation. I am obsessed with our cleaning range, I used it on anything and everything and have consistent good feedback about it which just fills me with absolute pride and joy to have created it.

Where do you get your inspiration?

I find networking with like-minded people a huge inspiration for business in general. I spent years working as a graphic designer so like to keep up to date with trends, and I design everything for the business myself. I went for a timeless look and feel for the business when I first started which is still implemented today. It is pretty cliché but I believe there is inspiration around us all the time so it can really strike at any point. I have even woken in the night with an idea that has struck while sleeping.

Finally, what do you enjoy getting up to when you're not working?

I enjoy travelling so like to visit other places and countries with my partner as much as possible. We can often be found using our spare time drinking a cocktail and dancing when the opportunity allows (doesn’t happen often). We visit Gran Canaria to catch up with friends once a year and try to get away to another country as well. We love cooking and are always trying new homemade dishes.



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