Q&A with Pawfect Remedies

Hello! Please give us a brief introduction to your business and the products you offer.

Pawfect Remedies is a small local dog treat business specialising in all natural dog treats. We are rawhide, grain and bone-free ensuring we only stock the best treats for your dogs. We are SUPER picky with the suppliers that we use ensuring we only stock the best treats around! 

How long have you been going and how did the business come about?

The business started when I bought home a husky puppy on Boxing Day of 2017! She threw me into a world I didn’t know, of naturally raising and raw feeding. I started making my own treats and dogs started to follow me when out for walks and owners would ask me to make them some and thus Pawfect Remedies was born! It’s been an incredible few years and the business is growing from strength to strength. 

What's your favourite thing about what you do?

Meeting the dogs! And their humans of course. I love it when people ask me about raw feeding and say they are interested in getting their dog converted over. Showing them this natural treat world and helping educate the owners into stepping away from the “big brand super market” treats and into this slightly smelly, but much healthier alternative! 

What's your least favourite thing?

Weirdly there’s nothing I don’t really enjoy! Running a business is hard, but so rewarding. And considering the products I sell I am actually a vegetarian! So sometimes certain treats make me cringe a little but it’s all part and parcel of the business.

When you're working but not at events, what does a typical day look like?

Along with the business, I do work full time. I’ve spent the last 10 years in sales and recruitment but now I’ve taken an easier customer service roll. My two huskies, Kodi and Nova, are the driving force for the business and they keep me busy! 

What's the soundtrack to your day? i.e. do you listen to music? Radio? Podcasts? 

Music keeps me going! Whenever I’m in my workshop I’m usually dancing around to Taylor Swift or something country! 

What do you like about trading at markets?

The community feel and merging so many incredible other small businesses is just the best! 

Do you have a favourite product?

My favourite product is probably the hairy rabbit ears for their health benefits, and the pizzles! I love seeing peoples reactions to the interesting treats I sell! 

Where do you get your inspiration?

My inspiration is my girls, my huskies are my absolute world, they are the reason I get up every day, literally Nova likes to wake me up with a cuddle. They inspire me to help owners. 

Finally, what do you enjoy getting up to when you're not working?

I’m one of those people where my business is my hobby, and I love it, I am always striving to better my knowledge. I am currently undertaking another nutrition course to help further understand our dogs, I am also training to become a dog trainer…. I think by now you can guess I am dog mad and my life evolves around them! 



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