Q&A with Love of Nature

Q. Hello! Please give us a brief introduction to your business and the products you offer.

I'm Helen and my business is Love of Nature. I sell sustainably sourced crystals and crystal products, as well as incense and witchy products. I stock a selection of products for all price ranges. My daughter joins me when she's home from uni to provide tarot readings.

Q. How long have you been going and how did the business come about?

Me and my daughter Lauren started up on a very small scale during lockdown in 2020. We took part in a local craft crawl selling handmade face wipes, little bags of crystals and house plants. Our passion for crystals soon took over and became the main part of our business.

Q. What's your favourite thing about what you do?

I love meeting people and talking about crystals and spiritual practices. So many people are overwhelmed by the information on social media and speaking to an actual person can be reassuring.

Q. What's your least favourite thing?

The early starts to market days and battling with the great British weather.

Q. When you're working but not at events, what does a typical day look like?

As well as weekend events, I trade at two weekly markets. On the other days I spend time sourcing crystals, updating the website, planning events and trying to keep up-to-date on social media.

Q. What's the soundtrack to your day? i.e. do you listen to music? Radio? Podcasts?

I like to listen to the radio on my way to events but Lauren will pop on her eclectic playlist when she's with me.

Q. What do you like about trading at markets?

No two days are ever the same and you get to know regular customers. It's great getting to know other stallholders too and sharing tips.

Q. Do you have a favourite product?

I can't possibly choose a favourite. Every time an order arrives I have to remind myself they're not mine to keep. I do treat myself every now and then though!

Q. Where do you get your inspiration?

Although I no longer sell crafted items I am always inspired by crafters I meet. They give me inspiration for things to try at home. I find nature is the greatest inspiration.

Q. Finally, what do you enjoy getting up to when you're not working?

Surrounding myself with nature, either walking or gardening. I also love a bit of crafting.




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